Friday, June 18, 2010

Diabetes and Sex

If intimacy makes you squirm, you may not want to continue on. I don't hold back - especially as an anonymous blogger ;).

For a woman dating a type 1 diabetic who is nearly 40, I can't complain about the sex life we have. In fact, I was actually pleasantly roused from my sleep at 1:30 this morning as he laid atop me and slid deep inside!

What a wake up!!

The events lasted longer than typical and I had a good idea why. As we lay in bed I turned to him and asked him to go downstairs and check his blood sugar.

Smart idea, given that it was at 39.

This is something I've found to be pretty typical when it comes to sex: his blood sugar drops rather fast.

Rarely does it make him loopy, but we've been through enough scary lows after doing the deed to know that he should have a snack after.

So he juiced up and came back to bed - everything was fine. But it might not have been had he not gone downstairs to double check.

Has anyone else encountered this -- low blood sugar after sex? It's definitely a common occurrence in our household.

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