Wednesday, June 9, 2010

On being a bad influence

Confession: I love my carbs.

And not necessarily the good kind either. As I sit here, I'm chowing down on my mid-morning snack of pretzels and Cheese Its. Dinner last night was a bowl of cereal with sugar on it. When I order soup for lunch I always ask for a second hunk of bread to dip in it. My limited cooking skills always include pasta. I can't turn down pizza or ice cream, ever.

I'm also a vegetarian, so I have a hard time with high-protein diets.

Though don't get me wrong, I often crave a good salad with oil and vinegar dressing. And I'm a sucker for dried fruit and nuts. When I go out for sushi, sashimi is a main part of the meal. And I do drink a soda a day, but it's always diet.

When we first started dating I was in the habit of not eating. It's what busy, single girls do. Yes, I know that's equally as bad, but I wasn't too worried about it.

My eating has since changed, but carbs are still a main staple of my diet. I was once told that I'm a bad influence, dating a type 1 who has little to no willpower.

At the time, I thought "that's not fair, you're a 30-something who has been living with this disease for longer than I've been alive, shouldn't you be able to handle my eating cold pizza in front of you?"

After moving in together it made more sense - if it's in the house, he's likely to eat it. So I tried my best to eat mostly salads at home. So at lunch I would splurge on all the carbs I could get my hands on. I was frequently visiting the local Chinese restaurant so I could consume noodles and rice galore!

My digestive system loved me!

I've since been trying to cut back in general, just so I can be more healthy for myself. But it's still difficult. I love me some empty carbs.

So what's a girl to do? How do I go about being a good influence to my type 1 diabetic while still enjoying some of those oh-so-yummy carbs I crave?

Finding this balance is going to be a challenge.

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